Today we went to to a cheese factory and I got to see how cheese was made! It was pretty awesome. I had no idea how the process was. So much milk is used to create cheese but only a small amount of cheese is created from all the milk used. It's nuts. After we went through a tour of the factory we were able to try 4 different types of cheeses and also sip wine and eat bread while we tried them. (It was 10 am and we were drinking wine, i fell asleep asap when we got on the bus to Padova) We also tasted some salami that the owner of the factory also makes. Everything was so good. We tried different aged cheeses and there was one unique cheese that was called "Formaggio Briacho" which is translated to Drunk Cheese. They call it this because they add wine to it when they make it. When I tasted it, there was a definite taste of wine it is infused with. My favorite cheese we tried was the first one, which was a "young" cheese. Meaning it was more than a couple months old. Fyi, the younger the cheese, the whiter in color it is and the more holes you can find in it.
Anyway, that experience was really interesting and one of the top things I experienced and learned about while in Italy.
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