So tonight we all went to a culinary school and were taught how to prepare amazing dishes. We all had aprons and chefs hats on and we prepared all the food with the head chef. He supposedly is a big deal in Italy because he cooked for the Pope and Prince Charles. So we made an appetizer dish which was a stuffed tomato filled with diced veggies. That tasted really good. And then for our second dish we made spaghetti (from scratch) and had it covered in a lemon sauce that had bits of turkey and chicken throughout it. The third dish consisted of veal and mushrooms. And the last dish was a custard that was covered with strawberry sauce and berries. My 2 favorite dishes were the pasta and the custard dessert. It all just tasted so good! It was the best meal I have had since arriving in Italy. Immediately afterwards I regretted eating so much because of how full I was. We are supposed to have a second food class with this chef next week so I can't wait to see what we prepare then!
Ciao Marisa, come vĂ ? Spero tutto bene per te. Buon lavoro. Un abbraccio e un buon fine settimana.
As a fan and follower of your blog from day 1, I would of rather seen an action shot of you learning from the chef rocking a sweet chef hat. And again that dish with the single strawberry on the plate look so so delicious yet so filling.
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